My Business Is Failing – How Can I Save It?
My Business Is Failing – How Can I Save It?One of the directors of the company contacted Sarah Massey of KSA to discuss the company’s present financial situation. Then, after a subsequent telephone conversation with KSA regional manager Malcolm Gray, a meeting was requested and held at the company’s premises.
KSA were appointed to assist the company with a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) in early July 2012. Turnover for the year to 31th May 2012, was c£616K which was a 6.6% increase on the previous year. However the company made a net loss of £90K due to severe increase in cost of sales and administration expenses.
The company’s only secured creditor (secured with a registered legal charge or debenture) was a bank, which by insolvency law, stands outside the CVA and is repaid in full via the agreed terms.- The facilities provided were an overdraft of £37K which was unused at the time and a credit card the balance of which was £3.5K.
The connected/associated creditors may decide to propose that If the CVA is approved by the creditors they intend to convert their debt to convertible redeemable preference shares. The percentage of their debt to be converted would be the same percentage as the dividend proposed to the unsecured creditors in the CVA with the remainder of the connected (associated) debt being written off.
It is a usual modification from HMRC that balances of this nature, not converted to convertible redeemable preference shares, are written off and do not survive the CVA.
Early November 2012, a trade creditor served a Winding Up Petition on the company with hearing date of 10th December.
The creditor agreed to adjourn the hearing on payment of costs to permit the CVA process to complete.
Late November 2012, the directors decided that the company, and therefore the CVA, was no longer viable and would let the Winding Up Petition take it’s course.
However, the petitioning creditor failed to advertise the Winding Up Petition in the requisite time (i.e. no later that 7 days prior to the hearing date) and the petition was dismissed.
The directors of the company (which was no longer viable) approached KSA to place the company into CVL (Creditors Voluntary Liquidation)
the relevant engagement pack was issued, however the company did not return the signed engagement paperwork.
My Business Is Failing – How Can I Save It?
My Business Is Failing – How Can I Save It?