Licensed Insolvency Practitioners With National Coverage

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What is a CVA or Company Voluntary Arrangement? Let our experts explain.

18th April, 2024
Keith Steven

Written ByKeith Steven

Managing Director

07879 555349

Keith is the Managing Director of KSA Group Insolvency Practitioners which has been established for 25 years. The company has undertaken more CVA led rescues than any other firm. Read our case studies to see how.

Keith Steven
man about to climb ladder

Table of Contents

  • Advantages of a CVA For Your Company
  • What are the disadvantages of a CVA?
  • How long does my company have to be in a CVA?
  • A step by step process of putting a company into a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA)
  • What happens at the end of the CVA period?
  • How does a CVA affect the employees and directors of a business?
  • When might a Company Voluntary Arrangement be appropriate for a company?
  • What is the main difference between a company voluntary arrangement and administration?
  • How much does a CVA cost?
  • See below a video explaining the CVA Process
  • A Flow Chart Explaining The Process

A Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA) is a powerful, legally binding agreement between an insolvent company and its creditors. This arrangement allows a portion of its preferential (HMRC) and unsecured debts to be paid back over time, enabling the company to carry on trading as usual.

To be approved, 75% of the creditors, by value, who voted need to support the CVA proposal. Once the proposal has been approved, all unsecured creditors are legally bound by the arrangement. Think of it as a loan to repay some or all of the company’s unsecured debts.

A CVA places a legal ring-fence, called a moratorium, around the company and stops creditors from attacking it. This process allows a viable but struggling company to repay some or all its historic debts, over time while the directors remain in control. The CVA is monitored by a supervisor, who is a licensed insolvency practitioner, ensuring the directors adhere to the terms of the CVA deal and monitor the company’s financial health. To do this, the supervisor will require to see management accounts monthly until the CVA ends. Usually CVAs last between 12 and 60 months.

Our experienced advisors will work with secured lenders like banks (whose debt remains outside of the CVA arrangement) to ensure they support the debt restructure. It is vital to keep banks informed and involved for a CVA to be successfully implemented. Our team can also work with you and the lenders on restructuring the bank’s secured debt in certain circumstances.

The benefits for you are these: Directors stay in control of the company, with KSA Group providing support. A CVA can stop legal actions like winding up petitions if you use a quality, experienced turnaround advisor like us.  You can cut company costs and restructure debts. It also allows the opportunity for the business to be sold if that is your preferred pathway and can facilitate refinancing, raising new capital, or sale through a mergers and acquisition (M&A) processes. AIM listed companies can use CVAs

The CVA process is not easy to implement but our expert advisors can guide you through the process. We have had more than 500 CVAs approved by creditors for our clients. Yes, they can be hard work, but if your company is viable, they are a much better option than closure or forced sale though an administration for example.

If your company is struggling, how can we help you make the business viable? It is hugely important to try and restructure the costs and focus on driving the recovery of profits. Only a CVA can do that quickly and with minimal cash outlay by the company to cut its costs. Our CVA advisors will guide you on cost savings like exiting landlords’ leases, making employees roles redundant (without the cost of paying redundancy) and returning unwanted equipment, machines or vehicles for example.

The process has been part of UK law since 1986 and is one of the Government’s preferred rescue options. A CVA is an alternative to liquidation (CVL) or administration. In fact, recently the Government published a report that found the mechanism was fairer to creditors.

In our opinion, a CVA is the best rescue tool for a company that is viable going forward but burdened by historic debt. The directors, remain in control, shareholder value can be maintained over time and your company can trade out of its current financial problems, provided management addresses the issues that caused the debts in the first place.

Speak to our CVA experts today free of charge and ask any questions you want on 0800 9700539

Please have a good read through our helpful guides and information on this site. Then why not call our support centre on 0800 970 0539 for a no obligation confidential chat. We can help put your mind at rest immediately that there ARE options to solve your company’s debt issues.

Out of hours one of our senior managers or directors will be available to answer any emergency calls on 07833 240747

Read why we are the experts on this rescue mechanism

Advantages of a CVA For Your Company

  1. It can improve cash flow quickly.
  2. Stop pressure from HMRC tax, VAT and PAYE while the company voluntary arrangement is being prepared.
  3. It can help stop the threat of a winding up petition from HMRC, landlords or suppliers.
  4. The company can terminate employment, payment/compliance obligations under leases, onerous supply contracts and all with NIL CASH COST.
  5. Direct and overhead costs can be rapidly cut to rightsize the cost base.
  6. Allows your company to terminate property lease obligations and vacate premises with NIL cash cost (using our expertise) Want to know how to stop paying rent and rates on unwanted properties? Get in touch with our lease experts now.
  7. All money owed to tax and trade creditors, landlords and service creditors is bundled up in one monthly payment to the supervisor, at an affordable level.
  8. You can remove employee’s roles without the need to pay redundancy payments or lieu of notice costs from precious cash reserves. These claims are then paid by the Government after the arrangement is approved.
  9. It is possible to terminate onerous customer/supplier contracts.
  10. Board and shareholders remain in control of the company.
  11. A CVA can have much lower costs than administration, a Restructuring Plan or a Scheme of Arrangement
  12. It is not publicly announced like administration.

Finally, it is ALSO a good deal for creditors as they retain a customer and may receive some of their debt back over time.

How long does my company have to be in a CVA?

A CVA usually lasts for between 3-5 years so it is not an undertaking to be taken lightly. However, it is important to note that VAT and PAYE must be paid back up to 100p in £1 first in a CVA over years 1-4 or 1-5, before all other unsecured creditors. Then trade and suppliers will usually receive between 5p and 100p in every £1 of their debts, depending on what your company can afford to pay back.

In special circumstances you we can hive the business up to a new clean company, and it can trade with customers and suppliers. The old company gets a management fee to pay the creditors back. This innovative restructuring needs to be carefully planned, why not call Keith Steven and discuss your thoughts on 07974 086779

What are the disadvantages of a CVA?

  1. The company enters a form of corporate insolvency.
  2. The company has no credit rating after the proposal is approved and until it completes. Careful management of cashflow is required and all of our CVA financial forecasts will initially assume nil credit terms.
  3. Regulated businesses CAN enter a CVA and be regulated. We will need to work with the Regulatory body to ensure it is happy with the plan. KSA Group has worked with every major Regulator such as the SRA, ICAEW, FCA, the Road Traffic Commissioners and many more.
  4. It is a stressful process for directors, management and business owners. Our team of experts can guide directors through the restructuring work required.
  5. Raising new capital can be difficult whilst the company is in a CVA, our sister business are experts in raising new financial facilities to help.

Read our case studies of how we have rescued companies using a CVA

As leading turnaround experts, who have been helping directors with innovative CVA plans since 1996, we thought we should put all (or almost all!) of our expertise and experience into this 79 page Experts Guide and give it away to worried directors who are considering their options. Please take time to read it, as its hugely powerful and helpful when planning how to restructure your business and drive a turnaround of your company’s performance using this powerful tool.

AND it is fast to download and more importantly it is FREE and you do not need to provide your company details to get it. Just click the link below.

DOWNLOAD OUR GUIDE TO Company Voluntary Arrangements HERE

When might a Company Voluntary Arrangement be appropriate for a company?

  1. The company must be insolvent or contingently insolvent.
  2. You can’t just write off some of the debt to try and improve profitability!
  3. The company must be viable in future if its costs are cut and the core business can recover.
  4. Many companies cannot survive due to historic debt. For instance, the company may have encountered a bad patch of trading or it may have suffered a bad debt from one of its own customers. In these circumstances you could use a CVA to reduce the debt and get time to pay some or all of the debts back.
  5. The company must have some predictable and regular income.  Speculative businesses that have big hopes (however realistic) for a big deal in the future may not be suitable!
  6. The directors need to have been compliant with tax and regulatory filings for the company.
  7. Reasonable financial controls need to be in place. We will need lots of accounting and management information to build a CVA proposal!
  8. Finally the directors must have the determination and drive to save the business.

A step by step process of putting a company into a Company Voluntary Arrangement (CVA)


Step 1 Appointment of Experienced CVA Advisors

Directors appoint advisors like turnaround practitioners or insolvency practitioners (IPs) such as KSA Group to assist in constructing the proposal. KSA Group is the owner of this website and it delivers class leading turnaround and insolvency advice, we build innovative CVAs, undertake prepack administration cases and perform many liquidations. We are regulated by the Insolvency Practitioners Association.

Before appointing any other turnaround or insolvency advisors to propose a CVA for your company, we suggest you ask them about how a CVA works and how many they have done for their clients. Most IPs avoid the CVA option, as it is very complex and difficult, preferring simpler liquidation work instead.

Step 2 Company Review

KSA Group will undertake a detailed review of the company, its people, markets, and systems. This includes preparing a detailed formal proposal to the company’s creditors, a statement of affairs, a comparison between liquidation, administration, and CVA outcomes for all classes of creditors. Our team of financial forecasting experts will assist the directors in building realistic and achievable forecasts. This involves questioning all financial information and estimating sales and margins conservatively​​. If your financial and accounting information is poor or non-existent, your company is not suitable for this process.

Step 3 Proposal Drafting Period

Whilst the proposal is being put together the company should not significantly increase or decrease debts to any creditor during this period. Suppliers should be paid for new supplies made, and the company’s operations continue as usual​​. During the CVA production or “hiatus” period, current assets such as WIP and debtors are collected. The process allows the company to reduce employment and overhead costs, which wouldn’t ordinarily be possible. This includes terminating employment contracts, exiting rental obligations, and reducing other onerous costs​​. The resultant and increased liquidity should be used to fund the difficult period between appointment of CVA advisors and filing the proposal document at court.

Step 4 Payments to HMRC

In addition, the company normally does not need to pay PAYE, NIC or VAT in the hiatus period as HMRC generally proves the debt to the date of the creditors meeting.  However, it is prudent to start paying these taxes if the CVA preparation is taking a long time as it demonstrates to HMRC that the company is viable going forward.

Step 5 Talk To Secured Creditors

Although the secured creditors are not bound by any CVA proposal it is a good idea to involve them rather than them finding out by other means.  If they can see that you are able to put the company on a stronger footing, they shouldn’t be too worried about their exposure. KSA will liaise with the directors and the secured lenders to ensure they are fully appraised of the proposed plans, the proposed financial and cost changes and the structure of the CVA plan.

Step 6 Proposal Finalisation

Once the draft CVA proposal is ready, it’s reviewed by the nominated supervisor (who is also called a Nominee), who has to be a licensed insolvency practitioner, to ensure its appropriate, achievable, and maximises creditors’ interests.  They will separately and independently interview the directors as part of this assessment process and discuss the plan in detail with the board.

Then the nominee or nominees will report to the creditors that they believe the CVA is “fit, fair and feasible” and it should provide the best outcome for all creditors. The nominee must also be prepared to act as the future supervisor. This report is filed in the Insolvency and Companies Court and is given a Court Originating Application number.

Step 7 Creditor Consideration

After Court filing is complete, the proposal is sent to all creditors, who then consider it for a minimum notice period which is usually 17-28 days, before the decision-making process (creditors meeting)​​ is held. We usually provide the Nominees report and the CVA on our online portal, we send a letter and email to all listed creditors.  More information on how a CVA affects creditors

Step 8 Creditors Meeting and Voting

At the decision-making process (creditors meeting)​​ the creditors vote on the proposal and the proposal will be approved if a majority vote of 75% by value of the total value of creditors at the meeting (whether in person or by proxy) vote in favour. A countback vote excluding connected creditors is taken and provided that not more than 50% of creditors voted against the proposal it is approved. Do remember it is not 75% of all creditors, it is 75% by value of those votes cast at that meeting.

Step 9 Shareholders Meeting

However, if creditors have approved the proposal, it is carried whether shareholders approve or not.

Step 10 Approval

If both meetings approve the proposal, the chairman issues a report to all creditors and the court. Once approved, all notified and included creditors are legally bound for the debt “frozen” in the proposal​​.

This means they cannot simply take legal action to chase the debt whilst the company is in CVA for old debts. However, new suppliers or debts must also be paid on time as they are NOT bound into the CVA.

Step 11 Payments to creditors

The company must make agreed contributions to a trust account administered by the supervisor. Failure to keep up with contributions can lead to the arrangement being aborted, usually resulting in liquidation or administration​​.

Provided the company conforms to the proposal and makes its monthly CVA contributions, then the CVA continues for the agreed period. The supervisor is generally not involved in the business. THE DIRECTORS REMAIN IN CONTROL.

In future, if the company is not performing well and yet it would still appear to be viable, then it is theoretically possible to reconvene the creditors meeting at any time to ask the creditors to consider changes to the CVA itself, also known as amendments. If the Supervisor has concerns, he can also ask the Court for directions. In most cases the directors should inform the supervisor EARLY if there are any material changes to the company or its business.

It might be easier to look at this process in a flowchart (opens in new tab)

How Long Does It Take To Implement A CVA?

The whole process from contacting a firm like us to the approval of the proposal by the creditors should take 3-4 months.

Remember that creditors actions and the pressure does come off the moment you start the process but will come binding once the creditors agree.  The more organised the directors, and the quicker they can get information to us, the quicker the proposal can be filed at the court.  Of course, there may delays due to changes of circumstances.  However the quicker information gets to us to build a statement of affairs the less likely there will be problems.

What happens at the end of the CVA period?

Once the agreed period is completed and the supervisor has issued a completion certificate, then the company leaves the CVA state. Any remaining unsecured debts (where partial repayment was approved) are written off and the directors continue to run the business for the shareholders.

How does a CVA affect the employees and directors of a business?

As a condition of a CVA being agreed there will no doubt be a demand that costs are reduced.  This can mean closing down of warehouses, shops etc with the loss of staff.  However, as mentioned before, the main purpose of a CVA is to AVOID terminal insolvency where there will be more job losses and the returns to creditors will be even less.  Management can be blamed for problems in the company and there may need to be changes at board level.  Often a Non executive director can be brought in with experience of turning around firms to lend expertise and help the directors survive the rigours of the CVA.  During a CVA it is standard practice that the directors do not have any pay rises and of course may agree to take pay cuts.

How does a CVA affect the creditors of the company?

Any unsecured creditors owed monies prior to the date of the creditors meeting will be bound by the terms of the CVA.  This is irrespective of whether they voted for or against the proposal, or even if they were not aware of it.  They will need make a claim and provide proof of debt to the supervisor.  They will then receive a dividend on the debt over the next 5 years.  If you are creditor/supplier of the company then it is expected that you will tighten up your credit terms.  This is assumed to be the case in our forecasts.

Challenging the CVA Proposal

  • Creditors may challenge the CVA proposal if they believe it is unfairly prejudicial or there are material irregularities in the process.
  • The challenge must be made within 28 days of the creditors’ meeting from when the CVA was approved.

What is the main difference between a company voluntary arrangement and administration?

As mentioned earlier, during administration, the  Administrator or Insolvency Practitioner runs the company whereas, in a CVA, the  directors will retain control of the company, providing they abide fully by the terms of the CVA agreement.

Other important differences are as below;

  • There is an investigation into the directors conduct during an administation but not in a CVA
  • Secured creditors can start the process by “appointing administrators” under the terms of their floating charge in order to try and get their money back.
  • Administration is a more complex and costly process, as it involves the court, so there are more legal costs to pay
  • Administration legally stops winding up petitions whereas a CVA cannot (although a court is often persuaded to adjourn or delay the process if a CVA is being proposed)

How much does a CVA cost?

This does depend very much on the following;

  • Total number of creditors.
  • Number of secured creditors like bank lenders.
  • Number of landlord or property issues.
  • Number of employees, and how many will be leaving.
  • The level of current (pre CVA) aggression by HMRC or legal actions by creditors.
  • What level of negotiation is needed.
  • The quality of your financial forecasts and how much preparatory forecast work we may need to do.
  • The quality of YOUR financial information and how much remedial work we may need to do.

We will provide a written quote for all required fees, before we commence working on the CVA proposal. This is provided in our unique Strategy Report which we will prepare FREE OF CHARGE once we have been provided with your company’s details and we have met.

In the end, a Company Voluntary Arrangement is a deal and doing a deal involves talking to people and the stakeholders in the business. It helps if the company has good financial information and there is not a compressed timetable due to aggressive legal actions by creditors. By acting early this can be generally avoided.



How do we pay if we are in financial difficulty!?

How we help

Simply, once we are instructed all the creditors deal with us and we can effectively help the company to freeze payments to creditors until a deal is done. We take the creditor pressure away over time.

Working with our creditors liaison team we will discuss the proposed CVA with the creditors and this allows TIME to bridge the cashflow gap.


Now having read all of this don’t you feel better? If so, that’s the first step to fixing your business problems. Call now or browse this site for other ways to leave the cashflow problems and insolvency behind you… 

Speak to an expert now to see how we can help your cashflow recover.

In July 2024 26 companies entered a company voluntary arrangement as a way to restructure their debts and survive.


See below a video explaining the CVA Process


A Flow Chart Explaining The Process

Flow Chart of CVA process
Flow Chart of CVA process



KSA Group Rescues 3 Companies in 3 Months

Retail Warehouse Saved With a CVA

According to KSA’s managing director, Keith Steven “With the loss-making store shuttered, the company will be able to focus on sales through its profitable retail store and online sales platform, both of which have previously performed well financially. This instance demonstrates the significant impact that a well-structured CVA may have on cost reduction and ensuring the business’s survival and recovery. We’d like to thank HSBC Bank for its significant support for our client’s management and choice for using the CVA approach”

Read More

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