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What happens to me if the company goes into administration?

Published on : 2nd March, 2021 | Updated on : 27th January, 2025

Written ByGary Weber

Turnaround & Insolvency Manager (South)

07739 325 008

Gary has been with KSA since late 2010 and is now overseeing the work of all our Regional Managers as well as covering his own patch of the South East. He is passionate about helping companies having been an owner and a director of a number of businesses in industries including pubs, catering, road haulage, and retail. Gary drives our rescue work throughout central and west London, Surrey, W.Sussex, Berks., Bucks. and Oxon.

Gary Weber

Table of Contents

  • Can I be a director of a company in the future if this company goes into administration?
  • If I have provided personal guarantees will these be called in if the company goes into administration?
  • Will I be disqualified as a director is our company goes into administration?

What happens to me if the company goes into administration?

Answering simply, nothing. However, as a director of the insolvent company, if you have not acted properly, as you go through the insolvency process, you may face personal issues in the future.

When administrators are appointed then the directors’ powers cease. They are still responsible for their previous actions though. Usually the administrators will either sell the business quickly or if they trade the company in administration they will make the directors redundant as employees. So you will be sent home.


Can I be a director of a company in the future if this company goes into administration?

Yes, you can be a director of as many companies as you would like.  You may be part of a new company that is going to buy the business from the administrators. In which case you must get personal legal advice on conflicts of interest.

Make sure that the company name is acquired before re-using it. And it is obvious, what you shouldn’t do is to act irresponsibly when acting as a director of the old company and then set up another company and do the same silly things again.


  • The law requires directors to keep up-to-date financial information and to understand the financial position of the company. If you fail to do this, legal action may be faced by a future administrator or liquidator.
  • Taking cash out of the company as drawings (not dividends) means that you owe the company money. This becomes an asset, a debtor and the administrators or future liquidators must collect that money or do a deal.


If I have provided personal guarantees will these be called in if the company goes into administration?

The answer is yes. It is very likely that if the company enters into administration, if you have provided security for company debts in the form of a personal guarantee , then this may be called in. If you’re in any doubt about this please call us . We can help directors with any related problems or queries.


Will I be disqualified as a director is our company goes into administration?

NO – as long as you have acted suitably, rapidly and responsibly . If you haven’t, and you knew the company was in serious financial difficulty then YES you may be disqualified…Take back control and protect yourself by asking for expert free help today! – call 0800 9700539

By failing to act and making creditors debts worse or running the company’s cash down to £0 to pay yourself, when other creditors are not being paid; likewise if you are taking some of the firms assets which do not belong to you, legal action by the future liquidator may be faced. But to do that, you would have to be extremely silly!

If you are thinking that the business will soon run out of cash then you must take advice now. Take back control and call us on (0800) 970 0539

Liquidation Testimonials

in Company Liquidation

Business services company (creditors' meeting 26th July 2013)  My company had been suffering financial issues after a loss of income and was having great difficulty in agreeing a time to pay arrangement with several areas of HMRC.After a particularly stressful period where an inspector had paid successive visits to my house, upsetting my wife and new baby and leaving letters demanding payment, I really did not know where to turn next. I started looking around on the internet to see if there was any help possible and luckily it was then that I came across the KSA Group website. I read through their services and testimonials and decided they may be able to help or offer advice so I contacted them immediately.I can honestly say from the very first phone call a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I cannot say how much better I felt after that initial consultation. I felt immediately KSA had the expertise and personnel to be able to help with my particular circumstance.My subsequent meetings with Gary to explore the options available, and finally Wayne to start the legal processes left me feeling much happier about my situation and that I was doing the correct thing. At no stage did I feel unable to ask questions or that my interests were not being looked after. From start to finish I was treated with professionalism and fully supported through the entire process. I cannot say thank you enough for the help I have received from such a fantastic team. Liquidation of an IT company I just wanted to thank you and the team for helping me and indirectly my family through what was a very difficult time, both emotionally and financially. Wayne was fantastic at putting me at ease and throughout the whole insolvency process, it was less stressful than I had first anticipated; many thanks Wayne.I must say the the professionalism and personal touch of the whole team was exemplary. From the first introductory meeting all the way through the final insolvency process. What was a significant factor in my decision to assign KSA Group was the feedback given by previous clients and the sensitive way in which my case was dealt with because the circumstance leading up to the difficult decision to apply for insolvency were extra ordinary. My deepest thanks to everyone and as promised I will ask the wife to bake some special KSA Group class cupcakes for the team to enjoy which I will deliver personally.Many many thanks...Kindest Regards, AP

Liquidation Testimonials

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