Licensed Insolvency Practitioners With National Coverage

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Insolvency Advice For Small Businesses

Published on : 8th June, 2023 | Updated on : 31st January, 2025

Written ByRobert Moore

Marketing Manager


Rob has over a decade of experience in web and general marketing. He has extensive knowledge of the Insolvency sector and has helped many worried directors with their questions.

Rob is now working with the Board at KSA Group Ltd to develop strategic marketing programmes to support the business plan and drive more company rescues.

Robert Moore

Table of Contents

  • When to Seek Insolvency Advice For Your Business
  • Warning Signs of Small Business Insolvency

We have over 20 years of turnaround and insolvency experience.  We are licensed Insolvency Practitioners, so we guarantee to help you find the best solution for your business. We offer tailored services, as we know each company has its own specific problems. Give us a call to find out how we can help you – we offer friendly and honest advice, free of charge in the first instance.

When to Seek Insolvency Advice For Your Business

Luckily there is now plenty of free advice available online on websites like ours.  However, first of all you need to recognise that your small business may be insolvent.

Warning Signs of Small Business Insolvency

Creditor Pressure

If your creditors are chasing you for money and it is starting to distract you from the everyday running of the business then that is a sure sign that your company may be insolvent. Delaying the odd payment to ease cashflow is fine but if it is happening all the time then that is a problem.  If a creditor resorts to legal actions then your business is insolvent on the “legal action test

Not Paying Yourself

Many directors do this to say they are investing in the business.  This is fine up to a point.  If you haven’t taken a wage in months or years then you have to ask yourself if the business is viable. A company’s primary purpose is to deliver an income for the shareholders!  No point throwing good money away.  You will have learnt a great deal from running a company, so the experience is worthwhile but don’t let it hold you back from your true potential that might be around the corner as an employee or starting a NEW business.

Borrowing Money For Cashflow Purposes

Borrowing should really be for investment in products/people or services.  If you are finding yourself borrowing to plug gaps in cashflow then the company is likely to be insolvent.  Unfortunately loans used for these purposes are usually very expensive and eventually put added pressure on cashflow.

If you find you or your business is struggling then you should seek advice.

Some 23 years ago we recognised that there is very little support available, when things start to go against you in business. There are few resources about business rescue – hence in 2000 we developed this online service for distressed business people. It has grown by over 2,000 pages of free content since then. We still provide this service free of charge.

Most accountants, bank managers, Business Link advisors, lawyers and management consultants have insufficient working knowledge of the UK turnaround sector, or insolvency techniques, to be able to guide distressed companies properly and give correct practical advice.

Even today, most insolvency practitioners (IPs) remain tied to closure techniques like liquidation or those methods where fees are greatest like administration. Whilst many IP’s are moving into the rescue and restructure field they do not communicate with distressed companies easily and can seem arrogant and distant.

Call us or email us, fill out the form on this page or the contact us page, whichever way you contact us we are proud of our ability and willingness to help with a kind and helpful voice. You will speak to trained advisors who will quickly help you.

We will give you practical advice on a completely confidential basis, we will need to ask lots of questions and once you tell us what is happening in your business; this will slowly start to lift the pressure on you.
Quickly we’ll start to set out options for you to look at. We may send you Expert guides in easy to use portable document files (PDF) and or links to some of the relevant pages on this site, all these have been carefully designed to help build understanding of YOUR options.

What is in it for KSA?

Obviously there is a commercial motive – we should all be in business to make profits – but we hope that the lack of overt selling messages on the site, means that you do not feel hustled to buy anything.

For your clarity our commercial gain will come from providing hands on agreed turnaround work through our expert company turnaround advisors, insolvency advisors and insolvency practitioners, should we work together. Until then…


All fees are agreed and set out in advance so there are no misunderstandings. All of the team at KSA Group looks forward to helping you solve your business problems. Why not call us today?

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